To make the game more accessible and easier to download and install, the game developers have highly compressed the game files. The game features high-quality graphics, sound, and gameplay that make it a storage-intensive game. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 2 is a popular action-packed game that immerses players into the world of the Naruto manga series. NARUTO SHIPPUDEN ULTIMATE NINJA STORM 2 Game Download for PC Highly Compressed

To do this simply navigate to the game directory, open “config.ini” and change the fps=1 to fps= 0. If you are still experiencing slow motion, then you should play the game in 30 fps. If your hardware is incapable of delivering 60 fps constantly, then it is recommended to turn off MSAA, FXAA, and reduce the graphics settings. Change the graphics settings to “High Performance”. If you played the game recently it should be available on “Recent Applications”.

Step 3: Under “Power” settings (at the left bar), click “Switchable Graphics Application Settings”, Navigate to the NARUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM Directory and select nsuns1.exe. Step 2: Go to “Preferences”, then click on “Radeon Additional Settings”. Step 3: Put on the program settings tab and select NARUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM: Under select the preferred graphics processor for this program select High-performance NVIDIA processor. For those who have been experiencing fps issues, make sure you are running the game on your dedicated graphics card.